Minimal Roots
Sunday, Feb 19th 2012 - 7:30pm
Arranged by:
Ars Nova Copenhagen
PRELUDE | "once upon a time" |
readings by Gertrude Stein, Kurt Schwitters & John Cage | |
ACT ONE - FLUXGLASS | "yesterday evening" |
LaMonte Young | Composition 1960 #7 |
LaMonte Young | Poem, for chairs, table, benches etc (1960) |
Philip Glass | Kneeplay 1 from 'Einstein on the Beach' |
Jackson Mac Low | The Bluebird Assymetries |
Philip Glass | Kneeplay 3 from 'Einstein on the Beach' |
Dick Higgins | hank and mary, a love story, a chorale |
Emmett Williams | Genesis |
intermission | "a little while" |
ACT TWO | "the following morning" |
Steve Martland | Sea Songs, world premiere |
Pause | "as before" |
ACT THREE | "that night" |
Terry Riley | In C – by candle light |